MO - SU: 08.00 - 20.00
MO - SA: 07.00 - 21.00
SU: 08.00 - 20.00
Lidl Sinsay Slovak post JYSK Lotos Dry Cleaner Dates Mobile

Výstava Zrkadlenie života / Retrospektíva

Názov výstavy: Zrkadlenie života / Retrospektíva

Autor: Mgr. Viliam Švirk / PhDr. Eleonóra Kovalčíková

Termín výstavy: 1.2.2025 – 28.2.2025 

Aktuálne vám vo februári predstavujeme tvorbu dokonca až dvoch autorov naraz!

Viac informácií
1.2.2025 - 28.2.2025

Nepremeškaj zľavu

až do 50% na kostýmy a staň sa hviezdou karnevalu!

Doprajte si dlhotrvajúci odpočinok

na obojstrannom matraci Sorelina 2.0. Teraz ho kúpite so zľavou .

Zimný výpredaj až do -50% v SINSAY!

Nezmeškajte príležitosť obnoviť si šatník za neuveriteľne nízke ceny!

V Gate začal zimný výpredaj

Využite zľavy až do výšky - 70 % a nečakajte, kým sa najlepšie kúsky vypredajú!
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Where you will find us?
Shopping Centre Cassovia
Pri prachárni 4, 040 11 Košice


Have you been to Cassovia shopping centre lately and have you been satisfied? Or did something spoil your mood?

Write us your observation or comment, we will be happy to deal with it.

Public Transport to CASSOVIA Shopping Centre

Cassovia Shopping Centre is situated in an easily accessible city location near the city district Železníky. Cassovia Shopping Centre is accessible by several public transport lines. You can reach us from almost all city districts with the following public transport lines:
Bus line No.15 from the city district "Dargovských hrdinov".
Bus line No.16 from the city district "Podhradová".
Bus line No.34 from the city district "KVP" (the bus stop is located at Mobelix department store).
Tram line No.9 from the city district "Sever" and the city district "Nad Jazerom".
You can find the exact departure and arrival times of trams and public transport buses at or
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