MO - SU: 08.00 - 20.00
MO - SA: 07.00 - 21.00
SU: 08.00 - 20.00

Cassovia Shopping Center

Name of Cassovia Shopping Center is originating from the Latin name of Košice (Cassovia).

The Cassovia Shopping Centre was opened on August 22, 2001 as the first bigger shopping centre in Košice. It went through a big reconstruction in 2007 extending especially shopping area. Altogether, 60 new independent business units were created.

Visitors of the Cassovia Shopping Centre have at their disposal more than 55 shops, several restaurants and coffee bars on the total shopping area of 24,000 m2 under one roof.

There also is the supermarket Lidl being the first supermarket of this company situated in a shopping centre in Slovakia; at the same time, it also is the biggest operation of the Cassovia shopping centre.

For drivers, there is a free parking with the capacity of 1250 parking places in combination with a manual car wash Sonax and a non-stop opened self-service petrol station Tankomat. The Cassovia Shopping Centre is also well accessible by public transport (town public transport stops direct at the Centre).

There are department stores Asko, Möbelix, Decathlon, Decodom and Siko kúpeľne (bathrooms) in the area of the Cassovia Shopping Centre. Decodom and Siko kúpeľne (bathrooms) are connected by a connecting gallery with the Cassovia Shopping Centre.

We offer a free WiFi for 3 hours a day to all visitors of the centre.
A cosy room is available to mothers with little children providing privacy for undisturbed feeding or changing babies.

Antik public  mobile phone battery rental – situated in the interior, close to the Benu pharmacy, at the info desk.
Antik public electric scooter charging station  - situated in the exterior at the entrance (behind the mobile shop Farm Foods).

Where you will find us?
Shopping Centre Cassovia
Pri prachárni 4, 040 11 Košice


Have you been to Cassovia shopping centre lately and have you been satisfied? Or did something spoil your mood?

Write us your observation or comment, we will be happy to deal with it.

Public Transport to CASSOVIA Shopping Centre

Cassovia Shopping Centre is situated in an easily accessible city location near the city district Železníky. Cassovia Shopping Centre is accessible by several public transport lines. You can reach us from almost all city districts with the following public transport lines:
Bus line No.15 from the city district "Dargovských hrdinov".
Bus line No.16 from the city district "Podhradová".
Bus line No.34 from the city district "KVP" (the bus stop is located at Mobelix department store).
Tram line No.9 from the city district "Sever" and the city district "Nad Jazerom".
You can find the exact departure and arrival times of trams and public transport buses at or
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